Archaeology: Early human ancestors may have boiled their food in hot springs 1.8 million years ago

Hot springs may have been used by early human ancestors to boil food around 1.8 million years ago — long before they mastered cooking with fire, a study suggested. The Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania has produced some of the oldest remains of early human ancestors known to date, along with some of the tools they used. … Read more

Scientists identify group of hunter-gatherers in Siberia as ancestors of first North Americans

Archeologists identify 14,000-year-old Siberian ancestor of early inhabitants of North America, the oldest known genetic link between the two regions ever documented Archeologists in Lake Baikal, Siberia analyzed remains dating back 14,000 years  They found a number of genetic links between to Native American populations The researchers say the samples are oldest common ancestor yet … Read more

How your ancestors are making you buy loo rolls and sell shares

Investment legend Warren Buffett famously encouraged investors to be ‘fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.’  But it’s hard to hold your nerve like the Sage of Omaha in these times of unprecedented uncertainty, when 30 per cent of the stock market’s value has been wiped away since the start of … Read more

Our ancestors swapped eggshell beads 30,000 years ago in the same way that we trade Facebook likes

Our ancestors swapped pieces of ostrich eggshell jewellery 30,000 years ago in the same way we trade social media likes, or friendship bracelets, archaeologists claim. The items — shell fragments with holes bored in — would have acted as signs of the interpersonal connections that made up ancient social networks.  Experts studying beads found in … Read more