Would you like your steak done roar? Lion stuns group on safari as he ambles up to their picnic

Would you like your steak done roar? Lion stuns group on safari as he ambles up to their picnic to check out the food Huge beast casually eyed plates of beef at Kruger National Park in South Africa  Guests retreated to vehicles to watch the amazing moment from a safe distance  Lion eventually wandered back … Read more

Would you like your steak done roar? Lion stuns group of safari as he ambles up to their picnic

Would you like your steak done roar? Lion stuns group of safari as he ambles up to their picnic to check out the food Huge beast casually eyed plates of beef at Kruger National Park in South Africa  Guests retreated to vehicles to watch the amazing moment from a safe distance  Lion eventually wandered back … Read more