Mother-of-three loses TEN stone in 13 months

A size 22 woman who feared she would lose a limb after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes has reversed her condition in just 13 months. Toni Weeks, 51, from Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire, who tipped the scales at 20st 7lbs at her heaviest, lost nearly 10 stone on a ‘smart’ weight loss plan that focuses … Read more

Chemist provides DIY recipes for alcohol wipes and cleaning products

Can’t get your hands on sanitiser? Chemist reveals her easy DIY recipes for alcohol wipes and cleaning products that actually work Australian supermarkets have almost completely sold out of hand sanitiser There are a number of DIY alternatives, including alcohol wipes, on the internet Sydney-based chemist Michelle Wong has doubled down on the recipes to … Read more

Ministers are warned coronavirus could rip through jails – because inmates drink hand sanitiser 

Ministers are warned coronavirus could rip through jails – because inmates drink hand sanitiser The Ministry of Justice is working to avoid the jail riots sparked in Italy last week  Coronavirus could rip via jails as inmates drink hand gel, ministers are warned  Inmates will be given warnings and explanations first over prison family visits … Read more

Drinkers are opting for low-alcohol alternatives, study shows

Drinkers are shunning nights in with a bottle of chardonnay or merlot and opting for low-alcohol alternatives, study shows Retailer Majestic said fastest growing category is wine with less than 8% alcohol  The store said its sales of low and no-alcohol wines were up 52% in January   And nearly a quarter of drinkers aged 18 … Read more

How drinking a pint of beer each night really IS in your genes: Scientists find more DNA twists

Drinking too much alcohol may be caused by a gene which makes a pint of beer or glass more pleasurable than it should be, scientists claim. Tens of thousands of people had their genome analysed to investigate whether their DNA affects how much alcohol they consume. Researchers found those who drink a lot – at … Read more

80% of young vapers say they feel safe using e-cigarettes but HALF say they plan to quit

Four out of five young adult vapers say they feel ‘safe’ using e-cigarettes despite the epidemic of lung illnesses that have killed 55 – but HALF say they plan to quit as a New Year’s resolution 77% said they believe vaping is healthier than smoking cigarettes and 60% think it’s healthier than drinking alcohol Three-quarters … Read more

Women on female Viagra can now drink alcohol, FDA declares

Women who use the female libido pill, Addyi, no longer need to avoid alcohol, regulators have declared. Previously, Addyi came with a warning to stop drinking two hours before taking the pill, or to skip the pill if they’d had a few drinks. But on Thursday, the US Food and Drug Administration found studies conducted … Read more

WARNING: Anti-virus sanitisers are useless – IF you don’t use them properly! 

Such is the fear over the spread of coronavirus in the UK that panic-buying of sanitising hand gels has forced some retailers to ration supplies. Boots is reportedly restricting sales to two bottles per customer, while most supermarkets have sold out online and are rationing stock in-store. In fact, hand washing is always better for … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak will use £100m of Budget to toughen up community sentences

Chancellor Rishi Sunak will use £100m of Budget to toughen up community sentences by imposing stricter curfews on newly-released prisoners and handing them ‘sobriety tags’ Rishi Sunak to ‘toughen up community sentences’ in Britain’s budget tomorrow Chancellor will set aside £100million to bolster the probation service Convicted criminals released from prison will face tighter constraints … Read more

Apple amends guidelines on iPhone care to allow for use of disinfecting wipes and isopropyl alcohol

Apple amends guidelines on iPhone maintenance to say customers CAN use disinfecting wipes and isopropyl alcohol to clean their devices Apple has changed its iPhone maintenance guidelines amid coronavirus fears The company says customers can use Clorox wipes and isopropyl alcohol  Previously Apple said it may ruin a protective coating on the glass  Apple warns … Read more