HENRY DEEDES: Humble pie? No, we got undiluted praise for his top adviser

Dismal. Deluded. Deranged? Well, let’s not quite go that far but it was not good. Boris Johnson’s Downing Street press briefing last night made for uncomfortable viewing. The Prime Minister had yanked on his Sunday suiting to address the hoo-ha over his senior aide Dominic Cummings. He was a late call-up.  We were originally due … Read more

Trump’s adviser compares China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic to Chernobyl ‘cover-up’

A top White House official on Sunday likened China’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak to the Soviet Union’s cover-up of the meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. National security adviser Robert O’Brien said Beijing knew what was happening with the virus, which originated in Wuhan, from November but lied to the World … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Dropping contact tracing ‘right’ says adviser

Dropping contact tracing early in the coronavirus outbreak was the ‘right thing to do’ because the UK did not have testing capacity, one of the government’s most senior advisers insisted today. Dame Angela McLean, chief science adviser at the Ministry of Defence, said the advice given to ministers to abandon efforts to track individual cases … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Adviser sceptical on 1 June school reopening

Osama Rahman admitted children could become dangerous super spreaders because they suffer mild or no symptoms The chief scientific adviser for the Department of Education has today admitted the government’s plan to reopen schools in June could risk spreading the coronavirus.  Osama Rahman said a growing body of evidence had suggested children were much more … Read more

Official list of Covid symptoms is ‘dodgy and inadequate’: Top scientific adviser

The official list of COVID symptoms has been branded ‘dodgy’ and ‘inadequate’ by a top scientific advisor. Dr Nick Summerton called for tiredness, breathlessness and loss of appetite to be included in key symptom list. Currently the NHS only notes a persistent cough and fever as the main signs, and says these are the only … Read more

Senior Government adviser says screening at airports would be useless as most won’t have symptoms

Screening passengers at airports would be useless because most who travelled with coronavirus wouldn’t be showing symptoms, says Government advisor England’s deputy chief medical officer defended the Government’s decision not to screen  Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said checks would miss cases with no symptoms  Tourists have criticised the ‘shocking’ lack of testing when arriving in the … Read more

Judge rejects Roger Stone’s request for retrial after Trump adviser claimed juror was ‘biased’

A federal judge on Thursday denied a bid for a new trial by President Donald Trump’s longtime friend and adviser Roger Stone after the veteran Republican operative accused the jury forewoman of being tainted by anti-Trump political bias. US District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson rejected Stone’s claim that the jury forewoman was biased against … Read more

British adviser who worked with China from the start of the coronavirus outbreak faces questions

British government adviser who worked with China from the start of the coronavirus outbreak faces questions about whether he could have done more to raise the alarm in the UK By Mark Hookham For The Mail On Sunday Published: 02:00 BST, 12 April 2020 | Updated: 02:00 BST, 12 April 2020  A top Government coronavirus … Read more

Britain won’t know for WEEKS if lockdown can be eased, warns top science adviser

Britain won’t know for weeks whether lockdown can be eased, a top government adviser warned today – despite fears the public is crippling the economy by obeying the rules too well. Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson said ‘definitive’ proof of whether restrictions have worked will not be available for ‘several more weeks’. But Prof Ferguson, who has … Read more

Coronavirus: Scientific adviser to the Government says there is no more risk at work than at home

The row over Britain’s coronavirus lockdown intensified last night after a Government scientific adviser said the country ‘cannot hide away forever’ from the disease. Rupert Shute, the deputy scientific adviser at the Home Office, predicted that 80 per cent of people would get the disease anyway. Speaking to passport officials in an attempt to urge … Read more