Married At First Sight fans go wild over intruder groom Chris Jensen calling him a Hemsworth brother

Married At First Sight fans go wild over intruder groom Chris Jensen – calling him ‘the fourth Hemsworth brother’ and pegging him as the next Bachelor

On Tuesday’s episode of Married At First Sight, audiences were introduced to intruder groom Chris Jensen. 

Fans watching at home were smitten by the 32-year-old FIFO worker from the Sunshine Coast. 

Several posted Tweets praising his good looks, comparing him to one of the Hemsworth brothers and even saying he’d make a good Bachelor. 

Star power: On Tuesday’s episode of Married At First Sight, audiences were introduced to intruder groom Chris Jensen (pictured). He drove fans wild, with some saying he’d made a good Bachelor

One person Tweeted: ‘Roses petals, champagne and hot air ballooning is exactly the plot of the Bachelor’. 

Another fan watching at home wrote: ‘They found the fourth Hemsworth’ while another agreed: ‘Is this the illegitimate Hemsworth brother?!’ 

Another added: ‘My loins were not prepared for sexy but sensitive Chris the Viking. What a hunk’. 

Love him! Viewers watching at home were smitten by the 32-year-old FIFO worker from the Sunshine Coast

Love him! Viewers watching at home were smitten by the 32-year-old FIFO worker from the Sunshine Coast

Someone else wrote: ‘Vikings? Or Sons of Anarchy? He could have stepped off the set of either. 

‘And this gorgeous guy has the pink teddy bears on his bed. Aww the cute factor is high’.  

One joked of the father-of-two: ‘I would like to call Chris daddy’ while another Tweeted: ‘Who and what is this fine specimen’. 

Lookalike? Several posted Tweets praising his good looks, comparing him to one of the Hemsworth brothers. Pictured: Chris Hemsworth

One person Tweeted: 'Who and what is this fine specimen'

Lookalike? Several posted Tweets praising his good looks, comparing him to one of the Hemsworth brothers. Pictured right, Chris Hemsworth 

A fan watching at home wrote: 'They found the fourth Hemsworth' while another agreed: 'Is this the illegitimate Hemsworth brother?!'

A fan watching at home wrote: ‘They found the fourth Hemsworth’ while another agreed: ‘Is this the illegitimate Hemsworth brother?!’

The dyslexic dad of two daughters, who works as a FIFO driller, walked down the aisle with Jaimie Gardner, 35. 

Jaimie is a Sydney brand manage for v2food, a plant-based meat company, who is is set to give ‘bridezilla’ Beck Zemek a run for her money.

The Bondi-based beauty is looking for love after a history of troubled romances.

Is she the one? The dyslexic dad of two daughters, who works as a FIFO driller, walked down the aisle with Jaimie Gardner (pictured)

Is she the one? The dyslexic dad of two daughters, who works as a FIFO driller, walked down the aisle with Jaimie Gardner (pictured)