Plastic face shields DON’T work

Plastic face shields allow nearly 100 per cent of tiny airborne droplets released by infected patients to escape through visors, a study has warned.

The alternative to face masks were touted by industry experts as providing adequate protection from the virus, and have since been rolled out in supermarkets, hairdressers, nail salons and other businesses.

But modelling has cast doubt on the claims, after a computer simulation revealed almost 100 per cent of airborne droplets less than five micrometres in size escaped through the visor.

And half of larger droplets measuring 50 micrometres in size found their way into the air, posing a risk to others. One micrometre is one millionth of a metre. 

A study has found wearing just a plastic face shield offers next to no protection from coronavirus. Above is a hairdresser wearing one in Northampton, England, on July 4

The Duchess of Cornwall donned just a face shield when she visited a charity training centre in Milton Keynes on September 9

The Duchess of Cornwall donned just a face shield when she visited a charity training centre in Milton Keynes on September 9

Makoto Tsubokura, team leader of the study carried out by the Riken Centre in Japan, cautioned against wearing face visors.

He told The Guardian: ‘Judging from the results of the simulation, unfortunately the effectiveness of face guards in preventing droplets from spreading from an infected person’s mouth is limited compared with masks.

‘This is especially true for small droplets of less than 20 micrometres,’ he said, and added all of the much smaller droplets also escape.

‘At the same time, it somehow works for the droplets larger than 50 micrometres.’

He said that those advised not to wear face masks, such as those with underlying respiratory issues or small children, could wear face shields instead, but only in outdoor or indoor settings that are properly ventilated.

The evidence follows on from research done at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science published on September 1, which also found face shields are ineffective in halting the spread of coronavirus.

In the study, published in the journal Physics of Fluids, scientists placed flourescent substances in droplets so that they could monitor their spread. A mannequin was also set up to expel sneeze and cough droplets, with a mixture of distilled water and glycerin to generate a synthetic fog.

A US study showed face shields blocked the initial transmission of particles but that most spread around the sides

A US study showed face shields blocked the initial transmission of particles but that most spread around the sides

A US study showed face shields blocked the initial transmission of particles but that most spread around the sides

Face shields were revealed to drop the initial forward motion of the droplets, but other particles spread around the ‘shield’ and escaped.

Study co-author, Professor Manhar Dhanak, said: ‘From this latest study, we were able to observe that face shields are able to block the initial forward motion of the exhaled jet, however, aerosolised droplets expelled with the jet are able to move around the visor with relative ease.

‘Over time, these droplets can disperse over a wide area in both lateral and longitudinal directions, albeit with decreasing droplet concentration.’

Lead author Professor Siddhartha Verma added: ‘Face shields have noticeable gaps along the bottom and the sides, and masks with exhalation ports include a one-way valve which restricts airflow when breathing in, but allows free outflow of air.

‘The inhaled air gets filtered through the mask material, but exhaled breath passes through the valve unfiltered.’

The research concluded that face shields are not as effective as regular face masks. 

The Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has also recommended that hairdressers wear face masks rather than face shields as there is ‘no evidence’ the latter offers protection against Covid-19.

Waitrose employee Michael, 20, wears a face shield at their store in Westfield, White City, London, on April 15

Waitrose employee Fergall, 16, wears a face shield at the same store on April 15

Waitrose staff wear face shields at a store in White City, London, on April 15

The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG) and the Environmental and Modelling group (EMG) presented the evidence on July 23, almost three weeks after hairdressers re-opened on July 4.

In order to welcome back clients, hairdressers, barbers, nail technicians and tattooists were told by the government that clear visors would be adequate enough to protect against Covid-19. It is not clear what this guidance was based on.

SAGE said in July face shields are ‘likely’ to protect the wearer against large droplets — the most common route of Covid-19 transmission — but there is no hard proof that this is the case.

Similarly, there is no evidence — and it is ‘unlikely’ — that face shields are an effective control against aerosol transmission.

It is currently unclear if the virus is spread through aerosols — which are tiny particles that linger in the air for long periods of time.

But NERVTAG and EMG admitted it is possible airborne transmission plays a part in the spread of the coronavirus, but only in areas that are poorly ventilated.

The paper said: ‘Based on the current evidence, it is possible that transmission through aerosols could happen where a person who generates significant amounts of virus is in a poorly ventilated space with others for a significant amount of time.’

The World Health Organisation said last month it is looking over evidence that the coronavirus is airborne, and if found to be true, it could mean a change in course for trying to control the disease.