Disgusting moment mask-less bus passenger coughs

Disgusting moment mask-less bus passenger coughs ‘reddish brown substance’ onto the seats and floor before wiping it on his clothes as angry driver orders him off

  • The man was travelling on Sunday afternoon on a bus in St Helens, Merseyside
  • He was seen by fellow passengers coughing loudly without wearing a mask
  • Worse still, the man left behind a ‘reddish brown substance’ on the floor and seat
  • Passengers praised the driver after he ordered the removal of the passenger 

This is the vile moment a bus passenger who was not wearing a mask coughed up a ‘reddish brown substance’ on the seat and floor before being ordered off the vehicle by the driver. 

Passengers praised the driver following the brief confrontation in St Helens, Merseyside on Sunday afternoon. 

Witnesses said the man was carrying a mask but refused to wear it in contravention of Covid-19 regulations. Fellow passengers said the man rubbed some of the unidentified substance across his hair, clothes and surfaces of the bus.  

A man on a bus in Merseyside was seen coughing up a reddish-brown substance on the floor

Fellow passengers expressed their disgust after witnessing the man. Though they praised the the driver after he ordered him from the bus

Fellow passengers expressed their disgust after witnessing the man. Though they praised the the driver after he ordered him from the bus

A fellow passenger, Rachel Fagan, said the man began coughing without a mask a few minutes after she boarded. 

She said: ‘I just want to point out that the driver done the right thing by having the man leave the bus.

‘He pulled over the next stop so everyone including himself could change bus, so it could be taken away to be cleaned as the substance was all over the floor and sides.

‘The man had his mask around his neck and not over his mouth or nose until asked by the driver once he noticed.

‘But not before he coughed up all sorts of brown/ reddish substance, everyone moved to the back of the bus, there was only four of us excluding this man on the bus at the time, while he wiped it in his hair, hands, pants etc trying to hide it, this is when I started filming.

‘The bus driver noticed and pulled over asking him to leave, I missed it on film but he continued to be coughing in front of the driver, making everyone uncomfortable and thought he had done nothing wrong.’

The video shows the bus pulling to a halt while the driver asks the man to ‘get off please.’

But the driver responds by shouting ‘because you didn’t have a mask on, it was around your neck, and you were coughing your head off, I’m not having it mate.’

The man gets up and walks towards the driver who says: ‘The bus is going nowhere until you get off lad.’

But the passenger continues to protest and the driver becomes increasingly frustrated, eventually telling him to ‘f*** off’ and ‘get the f*** off the bus.’

Eventually other passengers also ask him to leave, and the man exits  sticking up his middle finger at the driver as the bus closes its doors and drives away.