Brainteaser challenges you to spot bee among the flowers

A challenging new seek-and-find puzzle is tasking players with finding the tiny bee among the meadow of flowers. 

The baffling brainteaser shows three different coloured flowers with one small bee hiding somewhere in the picture and was created by ethical online florist Arena Flowers. 

But while many will struggle to solve the difficult brainteaser, could you be the one to set a new record?  

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Arena Flowers has created a floral themed brainteaser which tasks puzzlers to find the bee amongst the flowers 

The challenging graphic was graphic to mark World Bee Day, which will be celebrated on May 20. 

Take a very close look at this field of flowers and try and figure out just where the small bee is hiding.  

Finding it tough? Try looking at the middle of each flower to see if anything is blending into the background. 

If you still haven’t managed to find the bee, try taking a closer look  to the bottom left hand corner of the graphic. 

The bee is hiding blended into the middle of one of the flowers on the bottom left hand side of the image

The bee is hiding blended into the middle of one of the flowers on the bottom left hand side of the image 

Another taxing puzzle challenges players to find the only dog with a diamond ring on its collar. 

The brainteaser, created by British jewellery manufacturer Purely Diamonds, shows dozens of dogs jumping, running and digging in delight. 

But just one of the pups has a precious jewel hanging from a loop on its collar. Can you work out which one it is? 

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Purely Diamonds has put together a new doggy themed brainteaser that features a hidden engagement ring hanging from one of the pup's collars

 Purely Diamonds has put together a new doggy themed brainteaser that features a hidden engagement ring hanging from one of the pup’s collars 

It comes after research revealed 1 in 10 pet owners now give their precious dogs or cats a central role in their wedding day – with some even trusted to carry the wedding rings down the aisle. 

Take a close look and see if you can find the only dog trusted with the responsibility in this busy scene.

If you’re struggling to solve the brainteaser, try looking at the middle of each collar for one which is slightly longer.

Still not having any luck? The dog is to the right of the centre of the image. 

The dog wearing a diamond ring on his collar (circled)  is located in the middle right of the picture

The dog wearing a diamond ring on his collar (circled)  is located in the middle right of the picture 

Even the most eagle-eyed puzzlers would have struggled to spot the dog wearing the ring

Even the most eagle-eyed puzzlers would have struggled to spot the dog wearing the ring

Another new brainteaser challenges players to spot the crayon hidden among a floral wallpaper design.

The baffling puzzle, created by British company Plumbs, is designed to stump even those who frequently play games.  

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A new brainteaser created by Plumbs challenges the internet to spot the crayon hidden in a floral wallpaper

A new brainteaser created by Plumbs challenges the internet to spot the crayon hidden in a floral wallpaper 

The tricky quiz can perplex even the most eagle-eyed of puzzlers.

If you’re struggling to solve the puzzle, try looking at the branches of each flower for one that looks slightly different. 

And seeing as there’s no record for the quickest puzzler currently set, that means you could be the one to get the fastest time.

A green crayon is hidden among the branches of a flower towards the top right of the image

A green crayon is hidden among the branches of a flower towards the top right of the image

Another new brainteaser has challenged the nation to see how well they really know the Nineties. 

Reflect Digital has created a say-what-you see graphic in which people are tasked with naming 50 cultural references from the 90s based on visual clues. 

So do you think you know everything about the era? Well, then there’s really no excuse not to get full marks.

But be warned – the current record stands at 12 minutes, so you’d better get your thinking cap on!

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A new say-what-you-see brainteaser (pictured), created by Reflect Digital, challenges people to name the 50 popular things associated with the Nineties

A new say-what-you-see brainteaser (pictured), created by Reflect Digital, challenges people to name the 50 popular things associated with the Nineties

Becky Simms, CEO at Reflect Digital, commented: ‘Our latest game was inspired by a lockdown induced clearout of one of our creative team’s lofts.

‘In the loft, they found a box of Nineties memorabilia and it started their creative mind whirring that wouldn’t it be great to test the nation’s knowledge of the Nineties, an era that many hold so dear.

‘So that was it, challenge set, we wanted to create the hardest Nineties quiz out there, to help entertain the UK whilst staying indoors for the good of the country.’

If you’ve reached your max, then the answers are as follows: East 17, Blur, The Queen’s Nose, Paper Boy, Dream Phone, Walkman, Half Life, SouthPark, Oasis, Friends, Doomy, Steps, Gladiators, Cow & Chicken, Furby, Power Rangers, Spice Girls, Space Jam, Myst, Captain Plant, Mighty Max, Sister Sister, Pulp, Art Attack, Big Breakfast. 

And the most eagle-eyed would also have spotted: The Lion King, Gamesmaster, Salt-N-Pepa, Saved by the Bell, Clueless, Teletubbies, Green Claws, Beanie Baby.

Sooty, Woof, Goldeneye, Lemmings, Rugrats, Funhouse, Goosebumps, Bernard’s Watch, Polly Pocket, Snake, Wolves, Witches and Giants, Dinosaurs, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Worms, Gameboy, Doug and The Demon Headmaster. 

For those struggling to name all 50, you can find the answers labelled in the graphic above (pictured)

For those struggling to name all 50, you can find the answers labelled in the graphic above (pictured)