Boy, six, who was pushed from the 10th floor of the Tate Modern is walking again for the first time

Boy, six, who was pushed from the 10th floor of the Tate Modern nine months ago is walking again for the first time, reveal his family

  • Bravery, 18, from Ealing, threw the boy from the Tate’s 10th floor on August 4
  • The French boy ‘has continued to make progress’ including with his memory
  • A GoFundMe page for his treatment and rehab has raised more than £206,000 

The six-year-old boy who was seriously injured when he was thrown from the 10th floor of London’s Tate Modern art gallery is taking his first steps, his family have said.

The French infant has ‘has continued to make progress’ after he was attacked by autistic teenager Jonty Bravery at the tourist attraction on August 4, according to his relatives.

In a post on a GoFundMe page, which has raised more than £206,000 for the boy’s treatment and rehabilitation, his family said: ‘Despite appalling conditions of confinement at the hospital, we are happy to announce that we are holding on and that our little knight has continued to make progress.

The six-year old boy was seriously injured after he was thrown from the viewing platform of the Tate Modern art gallery in London (pictured). He has taken his first steps, his family have said

‘Finally, as he has muscled his thighs well, he can now carry his own weight. 

‘He does not yet have balance and needs to be maintained and guided, but he is now standing with a walker and manages to advance a few meters with the physiotherapist’s additional help.  

‘He is very happy to discover his room and the world while standing! And he is very impatient to be able to walk on his own as before.

‘His sentences are always hashed, syllable by syllable, because he still lacks breath and muscle tone. 

‘We don’t always understand everything he says, especially when he’s tired but he expresses himself more and more.’

Despite the child’s magnificent recovery, the family have been warned that it could take up to three years before he is able to eat as normal.

Jonty Bravery, 18, from Ealing, west London , said to detectives after he was arrested that he had planned in advance to hurt someone at the art gallery on that date

Bravery admitted a charge of attempted murder at the Old Bailey in December

Jonty Bravery, 18, from Ealing, west London , said to detectives after he was arrested that he had planned in advance to hurt someone at the art gallery on that date

He is still in two boot-shaped splints and confined to a wheelchair for the majority of the day, but his mental recovery has been positive.

The family said: ‘Memory seems to work a little bit again, very slowly. 

‘We help him to train it as much as we can, respecting his rhythm because he is always very tired. 

‘For instance, every day, we ask him to remember the activities of the day, and some times, it works a little bit. 

‘He also begins to remember new things, which means that the connections are gradually being re-established in his brain. 

‘This is positive because it means that the brain gradually repairs itself.’ 

The victim fell from the observation balcony of the Blavatnik Building at the art gallery

The victim fell from the observation balcony of the Blavatnik Building at the art gallery

The boy, who can not be named, was thrown from a viewing platform at the gallery.

He suffered a bleed to the brain, fractures to his spine and broken legs and arms following the fall.

The boy was visiting London with his family at the time and spent several weeks in intensive care.

Bravery, now aged 18, of Ealing, west London, admitted a charge of attempted murder at the Old Bailey in December.