Strictly can go on in September despite coronavirus, Craig says | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV

The straight-talking judge says a new format could see dance partners kept apart with performing styles that involve no touching and a two-metre distancing rule. Aside from planning the show’s new series, Craig is working to publicise the need to continue exercising during lockdown. The Royal Osteoporosis Society ambassador says weight-bearing exercise is essential for maintaining bone health whether you aim to take to the dancefloor or not. But he’s at his flamboyant best and his enthusiasm gushes over when he talks about Strictly’s excitingly different format.

So can you really have a dance contest while social distancing? “Yes!,” he cries. “The Charleston you can do separately, there’s lots of dances that you do separately.

Jazz, ballet, you can do separate. Commercial dancing is something you can do separate, there’s lots and lots.

“And we did it in Australia with Dancing With The Stars – we had no audience and people were isolated and couples remained isolated and then one couple danced on the rooftop of their hotel so they had loads of time to practise it together because they are in isolation together.

“They could film it at a safe distance on the rooftops and then we judged it from there, so it is possible.”

Of Strictly, he says: “I think the audience will really want it by September, I really do. Some entertainment, some fun watching some celebs.

“There will have to be measures put in place – I judged the Australian final from the comfort of my own front room. It was amazing.

“We will perform! We have to get back to the public.”

Dancing With The Stars, the Australian equivalent of the BBC show, saw one couple forced to isolate in a hotel when a relative tested positive for Covid -19.

Craig Revel Horwood during the opening night of the Strictly Come Dancing Arena Tour 2020 (Image: Dave J Hogan/Getty Images)

Speaking from his rural Hampshire home, Craig says he is coping with lockdown just like the rest of us – by decluttering and gardening. He lives with Jonathan Myring, a horticulturist. The couple became engaged last month. “Coping well! But because it’s raining today it’s drawers time, sorting out and doing the drawers – miscellaneous, darling. I’m doing the kitchen drawers and all sorts.

“Normally I’m so busy – I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in my house longer than a two-week period, ever. The whole world is doing it, so there’s not much you can do about it until the Government see fit that we can all be safe. There is just Jonathan and myself here so it’s rather nice just to have some time together to sort things out around the house, do some gardening, plant the seeds that we’ve always wanted to plant.

“If you’ve got a pot you can just plant a seed in it and watch it grow. There is something really uplifting about that.

“I am learning how to fly my drone that’s been in the cupboard for three years, so that’s been really good fun.”

One thing he’s not doing at home is letting himself go. He says: “It’s good to do your hair, have a shower and get changed into a shirt, a nice pair of trousers – I don’t think that should stop.

“I think the hair thing is the most difficult thing. I cut Jonathan’s hair. I trained in Australia as a hairdresser whilst I was training to be a dancer so I have at least some skill there but I can’t cut my own hair and I don’t know that I’m willing to get Jonathan to try it.

“I think I am just going to slick it back until I can get a hairdresser.”

On a more serious note, Craig is eager to point out that reduced activity during lockdown can put the health of our bones at risk.

Craig and the team at The Royal Osteoporosis Society have put together key exercises that are easy to do at home…back arches, marching and simple arm presses.

“There is a lot you can do and it only requires 30 minutes a day, which most people have on their hands at the moment,” he says.

“You’ve got to get the blood circulating and when people are just sat at home watching the TV you just have to set aside time to do it. Just any form of exercise is good.”

“You’re getting the blood pumping around, it’s releasing endorphins in the brain which is the happy drug and you feel a lot better after. So I think it’s just about encouraging people to keep moving, keep doing stuff. Getting up and down out of the chair 10 times will help.

“Dancing to music, I think, helps people to get up and out of the chair and there is no better time for doing it than at home. If you are from the era where you used to do The Twist, as long as you’re not on a slippery surface and you are wearing socks on your carpet you can twist.

Craig Revel Horwood

Craig has taken part in a number of awareness campaigns (Image: Lia Toby/Getty Images)

“The secret is putting music on that you actually love or maybe what you used to dance to. Or waltzing around by yourself is good. You can pretend to have a partner if you’re home alone.”

He jokes – although it is true: “My cardboard cut out is readily available on Amazon. It’s life-size and you can dance around with that, it’s only light, it’s cardboard. They’re hilarious.” He adds: “I did a dance around the fire with a shovel the other night. We had lots of stuff from the garden that we needed to burn so I did a fire dance. It was to The Prodigy… Firestarter.”

Craig became involved with The Royal Osteoporosis Society because both he and his mother have suffered with bone-related conditions.

His mother Beverley June Horwood has suffered with incurable and painful rheumatoid arthritis and he has undergone two hip replacement operations as a result of osteoarthritis.

“Osteoporosis is preventable. When you consider one in two women and one in five men over the age of 50 will get osteoporosis it’s alarming. It can be avoided by building a bone bank for the future. You need to build up this bone bank for the future up until the age of 23 and then you’re less likely to get it.”

Weight-bearing exercise along with a balanced diet and vitamin D from the sun all help build bone density. Building strong bones before the age of 23 will help later in life and means that, for many, osteoporosis can be avoided.

Craig has taken part in a number of awareness campaigns and has teamed up with the Duchess of Cornwall, the president of ROS, on various occasions, including dancing the cha cha cha together at an event.

Julia Thomson, a nurse and clinical director of The Royal Osteoporosis Society, says: “We should all have it at the back of our minds that we need to be keeping active during this lockdown.

She is urging people to “think about their bone health now and try to replicate the sort of steps they might be doing in a normal environment and just be more conscious about not sitting in the chair all day” warning that people “will lose bone if they don’t keep active”.

She suggests: “Perhaps getting up every hour and having a walk around and even setting a timer. People really need to remember to keep themselves active.

“We are all losing bone as we get older, we are all losing bone once we get past 30 so that process will speed up if we don’t keep active.

“These exercises are really good for strengthening muscles and bone health.”

Visit or call the free osteoporosis helpline, 0808 800 0035