Millie Mackintosh and Hugo Taylor head to hospital for birth of baby

Millie Mackintosh and Hugo Taylor welcomed their baby girl this week (Picture:

Millie Mackintosh and her husband Hugo Taylor were pictured leaving their house to go to the hospital, clutching bags and suitcases, hours before welcoming their baby girl.

The couple, who welcomed their new arrival this week, were spotted hopping into a taxi on their way to the hospital.

All smiles, Hugo carried the bags, which included a suitcase, as well as some new pillows, with Millie still managing to look incredible in a black dress and long coat despite seemingly being in labour.

One sweet snap shows Millie cuddling up to her husband, before the pair of them set off on their way.

The happy news was confirmed by Hello!, with a statement reading: ‘We are delighted to announce the arrival of our darling girl who arrived on Friday 1 May at 1:21pm, weighing a very healthy seven pounds.

‘We are eternally grateful to the doctors, nurses and midwives for taking such good care of us.

They hopped into a black cab (Picture:
Hugo carried the bags, which included a suitcase (Picture:

‘Mum and baby are both doing incredibly well and we are looking forward to bringing our daughter home and spending time together as a family.’

This is the first baby for both Millie and her hubby Hugo, who tied the knot in 2018 after being friends for years and starring on Made In Chelsea together when they were previously an item.

They cuddled up before heading off (Picture:
The pair looked excited for their new arrival (Picture:

And the little one arrived just a day after Millie explained she’d be taking a break from social media to prepare for motherhood.

She wrote: ‘Signing off for a while – looking back on the last nine months, despite it’s challenges, it’s been a real blessing.

Millie had signed off social media to prepare for motherhood (Picture:
Hugo smiled away as he carried some new pillows into the car (Picture:

The unwavering support I’ve had from you all as a community has been such a comfort to me.

‘Social media, for all its negatives, really has some sparkling gems of positivity along the way and connecting with you all has really helped me through my pregnancy struggles.

More: Millie Mackintosh

‘When I return I shall continue to be open and honest sharing my experiences and early days of motherhood. 

‘Until then, it’s with a huge, heartfelt thank you from me for all the support. Now onto the next part of the journey!’

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