Laurence Fox ‘happy’ as he spends coronavirus lockdown with girlfriend

Laurence Fox ‘very happy’ as he spends lockdown with photographer girlfriend (Picture: Backgrid)

Laurence Fox is said to be ‘very happy’ while spending coronavirus lockdown with his new photographer girlfriend.

It’s claimed that the 41-year-old has found love in Sara McKinnon, who is the daughter of award-winning producer Michael McKinnon.

And while it might be early days in their relationship, the Mail on Sunday reported that the coronavirus lockdown has forced the pair to move in together.

According to the publication, the former fashion designer has moved into her man’s home, which he shares with his two children Winston, 11, and Eugene, eight.

Just last week, the duo were spotted arm in arm as they headed out into the streets of London for a social distancing stroll.

The controversial actor wore a blue shirt and jeans, which he’d matched with a pair of black sunglasses, while his other half had thrown on a black, lace top.

The pair are said to have moved in together following the crisis (Picture: Backgrid)

A source close to the couple claimed: ‘[Laurence] has had a good feeling about [Sara], it is delightful to see him happy after everything he has been through.’

It comes after the Lewis star revealed he was dumped by his former mixed-race girlfriend in the fallout of his racism rant on Question Time earlier this year. 

Laurence sparked an almighty race row in January when he weighed into the debate about Meghan Markle and systemic racism in the UK. 

Laurence has recently spoken out about his past relationships (Credits: BACKGRID)

During his appearance on the show, Laurence clashed with an audience member and said it was ‘racist’ for him to be described as a ‘white privileged male’ and that he was ‘bored’ of people ‘throwing the race card’ around. 

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Laurence reveals that he was dating a mixed-race woman at the time of the controversy, but she ditched him immediately after in light of his comments. 

It also made the dynamic within his family awkward as his sister Lydia is married to half-Nigerian comedian Richard Ayoade. 

The married couple typically invite the family around every Sunday for lunch but Laurence revealed: ‘There were a couple of weekends I didn’t go,’ due to the public backlash. 

He has since confirmed that he and Richard ‘are all friends now’. has reached out to Laurence’s reps for further comment.

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