Rylan Clark claims Hillary Clinton once offered him a job

Rylan Clark claimed Hillary Clinton offered him a job once (Picture: Rex)

Rylan Clark has claimed Hillary Clinton once offered him a job as her ‘personal aide’.

The 31-year-old presenter practically broke the internet when he called the former First Lady ‘Hills, babe’ when she appeared on This Morning back in 2014.

And while the gloom merchants of the world were left scandalised, Rylan had the last laugh because it turns out, they became BFFs after that.

The X Factor alum dished all while talking to comedian Katherine Ryan about the Donald Trump/Hillary election on his Radio 2 show, Rylan On Saturday.

He claimed: ‘You know Hillary Clinton actually offered me a job once… as in, like, genuinely.

‘It was when I worked on This Morning, we used to do this thing called The Hub which is where I was just off the side of the set with a big screen doing viewer comments, and I called her Hills babe.

‘And then everyone went mad because they were like “This could potentially be the next President, ra ra.”‘

He went on: ‘Anyway, we had a lovely chat and she was like, “I’d love you to be my personal aide”. So if it all goes wrong, if I swear!’

Katherine asked: ‘And did you consider it?’

Rylan admitted: ‘I didn’t, but I did say to her – and I won’t say the exact words I said to her because it’s not BBC Radio 2 friendly – I said, “Hillary, if I say a certain swear word on daytime TV and lose all my jobs, I’ll give you a ring.”‘

And he’ll give her a call as well, wheeeyy! (Sorry.)

He went on: ‘Just pottering about with Hills, just having a lovely little time…’

More: Donald Trump

The presenter recently hinted that he’d like to return to This Morning after quitting over a year ago, so ‘Hills’ might be waiting a long time.

Katherine wasn’t so sure, remarking: ‘And you know what, I would never, never see you as anyone’s personal aide, not the President of America, no-one, you know, so actually that was an insult. Hills can be your personal aide.’

Rylan laughed, quipping: ‘I will take that.’

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