Weapon-wielding thugs fight in full view of shocked locked-down residents in vicious street brawl 

Baseball bat-wielding thugs fight it out in full view of shocked locked-down residents in vicious street brawl

  • Shocked locked-down residents in Halifax watched as a street brawl broke out 
  • Thugs were seen fighting with weapons, including one man using a baseball bat 
  • Others involved used household items such as a pot and pan as it all unfolded 

This is the moment chaos broke on a street in lockdown when a mass brawl started outside the residents’ front windows.

Thugs were seen fighting with weapons including a baseball bat, a pan, and a mop as terrified residents in Halifax, West Yorkshire, pleaded for them to stop. 

Shocking footage shows the trouble started when two thugs started punching another man in the middle of the road.

A third individual then jumped into the fight and started battering the victim with a baseball bat.

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Shocked residents at home, as part of a nationwide lockdown, filmed the brawl from their windows

Thugs in Halifax, West Yorkshire, were seen fighting it out in the street in front of shocked residents with weapons used including a baseball bat (left) as well as household items

The man with the bat was grabbed from behind by someone trying to disarm him and multiple people started running in all directions picking up weapons as all hell broke loose.

Warring gangs then fought a running battle up and down the street screaming insults at each other.

Some brave residents filmed the mob on their mobile phones in an attempt to make them disperse.

Others are seen pleading with the thugs to stop the violence but they continue to make threats and then start attacking passing cars.

Police are investigating the mass brawl after officers were called when violence began around Wednesday lunchtime.

A variety or weapons were used including a baseball bat and household items including a pan and a mop. 

The fight involving six men continued for several minutes, at one point a vehicle reversed into a man, but he escaped without serious injury.

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said: ‘Police received a report of an assault on Clay Pit Lane on March 25 at around 12pm involving around five males.

‘A woman in her 30s approached the group and asked them to move on from the area. She was hit on the side with a baseball bat and sustained minor injuries. Enquiries are ongoing.’