Military trucks transport Italian coronavirus victims’ coffins to be cremated

Coffins of coronavirus victims were whisked away on a fleet of army trucks last night after a cemetery in northern Italy was overwhelmed by the death toll. 

The column of army trucks brought the dead out of Bergamo on Wednesday night in what Italians have called ‘one of the saddest photos in the history of our country’. 

The cemetery in Bergamo can no longer cope with the mounting death toll in the city, where more than 4,300 people have been infected and at least 93 have died. 

Mortuaries are full and crematorium staff have been handling 24 bodies a day, including the regular drumbeat of non-virus deaths, meaning the bodies of virus victims have had to be dispatched to neighbouring provinces. 

Meanwhile, footage from one overcrowded Bergamo hospital showed patients lying on hospital beds which were lining the corridor of an intensive care unit. 

It came as Italy recorded a record 4,207 infections and 475 new deaths from the virus yesterday, squashing hopes that the unprecedented national lockdown was beginning to slow the spread of the pathogen. 

Prime minister Giuseppe Conte has now warned that quarantine measures ‘must be extended beyond their original deadline’. Some had initially been due to expire as early as next Wednesday. 

A fleet of army trucks on a highway in Bergamo last night, transporting the coffins of coronavirus victims out of the city after the local cemetery became overwhelmed by the virus death toll 

The army vehicles drive along a Bergamo road as seen from the window of a nearby building, taking coffins out of the city

The army vehicles drive along a Bergamo road as seen from the window of a nearby building, taking coffins out of the city

Italian army trucks are parked next to a monument in Bergamo yesterday as they prepared to take coffins out of the city. At least 93 people have died of coronavirus in Bergamo and more than 4,000 have been infected

Italian army trucks are parked next to a monument in Bergamo yesterday as they prepared to take coffins out of the city. At least 93 people have died of coronavirus in Bergamo and more than 4,000 have been infected 

Italian soldiers, some of them wearing face masks, gather next to some of their trucks in Bergamo yesterday where local crematorium staff have been handling 24 bodies a day

Italian soldiers, some of them wearing face masks, gather next to some of their trucks in Bergamo yesterday where local crematorium staff have been handling 24 bodies a day 

Footage from an overcrowded hospital in Bergamo showed some patients lying on hospital beds in the corridor of an intensive care unit where coronavirus patients are being treated

Footage from an overcrowded hospital in Bergamo showed some patients lying on hospital beds in the corridor of an intensive care unit where coronavirus patients are being treated 

99% of people who died from virus had previous health problems 

99 per cent of Italian virus deaths so far are patients who had previous health conditions, a study by the country’s health authority suggests.

Research into 355 deaths showed that only three of the victims, 0.8 per cent, had no pre-existing health problems.

Nearly half of them – 48.5 per cent – had three or even more health conditions before they were infected with coronavirus.

Another 25.6 per cent had two other ‘pathologies’, while 25.1 per cent had one. 

The research is consistent with previous findings that people with existing medical problems are more likely to die if they catch the coronavirus.

According to the Italian study, the most common of these problems include high blood pressure and heart disease. 

Some 76.1 per cent of the dead patients had previously had problems with high arterial blood pressure, the study found. 

More than a third – 35.5 per cent – had diabetes, while 33.0 per cent had ischemic heart disease. 

Nearly a quarter, 24.5 per cent, had suffered from atrial fibrillation. 

Less common examples included dementia and liver disease.  

The study also found that the average age of people who died from the virus was 79.5.  

Again, that is consistent with previous findings that older people are more vulnerable to the disease.  

An army spokesman confirmed today that 15 trucks and 50 soldiers had been deployed to move bodies to neighbouring provinces. 

Italian media said there were around 70 coffins in the grim procession last night as the bodies were taken from the crematorium to the highway and out of Bergamo. 

Giacomo Angeloni, the local official in charge of cemeteries in Bergamo, said earlier this week that the crematorium was handling around 24 bodies a day, almost twice its normal maximum. 

Local authorities in Bergamo had appealed for help with cremations after being overwhelmed by the death toll. 

The pews of the crematorium church have been removed to leave space to lay out scores of coffins but more have been arriving every day. 

One Italian who saw the picture of a column of trucks said it was ‘one of the saddest photos in the history of our country’, while another said it was a ‘photo of war’. 

‘We are Italians and it is at times like these that we bring out the best in us. We will get out of it and we will do it for them too,’ one said.  

The crisis also underlines how health services in northern Italy have been overwhelmed by the pandemic, with doctors describing hospitals in crisis and many medics working from makeshift tents. 

The governor of Lombardy, the worst-affected region which includes Bergamo, said doctors and nurses in the region’s hospitals were at their limits. 

‘I’m worried about the possibility they could succumb physically and psychologically because if they were to succumb, it would really be a disaster,’ cemetery director Angeloni told Italian radio.  

In separate footage taken at the San Marco di Zingonia hospital in Bergamo, patients are seen lying on beds which are crammed into the corridor of the intensive care unit. 

The video shows patients on ventilators in overcrowded rooms, showing how the crisis has overwhelmed even the high-quality health service in northern Italy.

Italian media says the hospital is handling a large number of urgent Covid-19 cases, and many patients are said to have serious breathing problems.  

Italian soldiers speak to people at the entrance of the cemetery in Bergamo, where bodies have had to be moved out of the city because local undertakers and crematorium staff cannot cope

Italian soldiers speak to people at the entrance of the cemetery in Bergamo, where bodies have had to be moved out of the city because local undertakers and crematorium staff cannot cope 

The army intervenes to move the bodies from the main cemetery of Bergamo, in Lombardy which has been worst affected by the health crisis in Italy

The army intervenes to move the bodies from the main cemetery of Bergamo, in Lombardy which has been worst affected by the health crisis in Italy

Army trucks drive along a road in Bergamo yesterday in what Italians have described as one of the 'saddest' images in the country's history

Army trucks drive along a road in Bergamo yesterday in what Italians have described as one of the ‘saddest’ images in the country’s history 

An Italian soldier carries a bag in each hand while police officers wearing masks are also on the scene near the cemetery

An Italian soldier carries a bag in each hand while police officers wearing masks are also on the scene near the cemetery

An army spokesman confirmed today that 15 trucks and 50 soldiers, some of which are pictured, had been deployed to move bodies from Bergamo to neighbouring provinces

An army spokesman confirmed today that 15 trucks and 50 soldiers, some of which are pictured, had been deployed to move bodies from Bergamo to neighbouring provinces

Coffins are laid out in a chapel at a cemetery in Bergamo

Mortuaries are full and crematorium staff have been handling 24 bodies a day, including the regular drumbeat of non-virus death

Coffins are laid out in a chapel at a cemetery in Bergamo, where crematorium staff have been handling 24 bodies a day, including the regular drumbeat of non-virus deaths

Cardiac surgeon Antonino Marchese looks at hospital beds in the Casal Palocco hospital near Rome yesterday

Cardiac surgeon Antonino Marchese looks at hospital beds in the Casal Palocco hospital near Rome yesterday 

Layoffs banned and rents reduced in Italian economic plan 

Companies are barred from laying off workers and rents have been reduced under Italy’s economic survival plan. 

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte hailed his €25billion (£23bn), 127-point programme as the ‘Italian model’ that the rest of Europe could adopt.    

Firms are prohibited from laying off workers for the next two months without ‘justified objective reasons’ while the self-employed and seasonal workers such as tour guides will receive €600 payments. 

The government will also cover €100 bonuses for low-wage employees. 

Families are being issued €600 vouchers to cover the expense of having to hire baby sitters, with a shutdown of schools and kindergartens expected to last weeks. 

The self-employed who have to look after their children will receive ‘parental leave’ payments that cover half of their declared monthly incomes. 

Conte has shut down all forms of business except for pharmacies and grocery stores for two weeks starting on March 12. 

The government is compensating owners of closed shops by offering them tax credits to cover 60 per cent of their March rent payment. 

The self-employed and freelancers with home mortgages can ask to have their payments suspended for up to 18 months if they can prove that their incomes fell by a third. 

A variety of taxes and social service payments are being suspended for sectors and professions deemed most affected by the crisis.

The government is also sending €20million to repair the damage caused to prisons by rioters who were anxious about the new disease. 

Italy’s sport federations get four-month tax privileges and 130 million euros will go to support cinemas and the movie industry. 

Italy recorded a record 4,207 cases and 475 deaths yesterday, scuppering hopes that the quarantine was starting to stall the rate of infections. 

Italy’s 475 new deaths are the largest number that any country, even China, has reported in a single day since the outbreak began late last year. 

The previous record high of 368 deaths was also recorded in Italy, on Sunday. 

However, officials warn there is a lag time between the lockdown being imposed and its effects becoming noticeable in the figures.  

‘The main thing is, do not give up,’ Italian National Institute of Health chief Silvio Brusaferro said in a nationally televised press conference.

‘It will take a few days before we see the benefits’ of containment measures, said Brusaferro.

‘We must maintain these measures to see their effect, and above all to protect the most vulnerable.’ 

Imposed nationally on March 12, the shutdown of most Italian businesses and a ban on public gatherings were initially due to expire on March 25 with schools shut until April 3. 

But prime minister Giuseppe Conte said today that the lockdown will be extended beyond the April 3 deadline.

‘The measures we have taken… must be extended beyond their original deadline,’ Conte told Thursday’s edition of the Corriere della Sera newspaper.  

A top government minister hinted yesterday that the school closure could be extended well into next month, if not longer.     

Officials have said tougher measures could be needed because too many people are not respecting the order to stay at home unless necessary.  

Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) says it expects a ‘significant reduction’ in the growth rate of new infections in the Lombardy region by next Tuesday or Wednesday.

The northern region of around 10million people has been at the epicentre of the crisis since the start, reporting two thirds of all the deaths in the nation of 60 million.

It has been under lockdown since March 8.

Noting that infections are starting to rise in the south, where many Italians moved after the start of containment measures in the north, the CNR predicts that figures across Italy will only stabilise between March 25 and April 15. 

I separate footage taken at the San Marco di Zingonia hospital in Bergamo, patients are seen lying on beds which are crammed into the corridor of the intensive care unit

I separate footage taken at the San Marco di Zingonia hospital in Bergamo, patients are seen lying on beds which are crammed into the corridor of the intensive care unit

A patient at an overcrowded hospital in Bergamo, which has had more than 4,000 coronavirus cases and at least 93 deaths

A patient at an overcrowded hospital in Bergamo, which has had more than 4,000 coronavirus cases and at least 93 deaths

A patient on a ventilator at the hospital in Bergamo where a large number of patients have been suffering respiratory problems

A patient on a ventilator at the hospital in Bergamo where a large number of patients have been suffering respiratory problems

A triage department of the Spedali di Brescia hospital in northern Italy which has been the worst-affected region of Italy

A triage department of the Spedali di Brescia hospital in northern Italy which has been the worst-affected region of Italy 

There have been fears that the health system of the poorer south would be entirely unable to cope with an outbreak on the scale which the north has suffered.  

More than 2,600 medical workers have been infected with coronavirus in Italy – 8.3 per cent of the country’s total cases, it emerged last night. 

The figures were released by a health foundation which said the ‘huge number’ of infected medics showed that procedures and protection equipment for doctors were ‘still inadequate’. 

The problem is far worse than in China, because ‘8.3 per cent is more than double the percentage of the Chinese cohort’, the Gimbe foundation’s president Nino Cartabellotta told Italian media. 

According to the figures, which are drawn from official data, the number of infected medics has risen by more than 1,500 just in the last eight days. 

The figure of 2,629 infected medical professionals means that nearly 0.3 per cent of Italy’s health workers have caught the disease – taking them out of service when they are desperately needed.  

‘No more talking: adequately protect those who must protect us,’ Cartabellotta urged last night.  

A coronavirus patient lies on his front in an intensive care unit at the Oglio Po hospital in Cremona today. Researchers believe lying face down can raise survival rates in intensive care by improving oxygen levels in the blood

A coronavirus patient lies on his front in an intensive care unit at the Oglio Po hospital in Cremona today. Researchers believe lying face down can raise survival rates in intensive care by improving oxygen levels in the blood

Health workers in face masks work in a crowded area outside the Spedali di Brescia hospital in Italy, amid warnings that protection equipment and procedures for doctors are 'inadequate'

Health workers in face masks work in a crowded area outside the Spedali di Brescia hospital in Italy, amid warnings that protection equipment and procedures for doctors are ‘inadequate’ 

Pope Francis during a solitary mass today at the chapel of the Santa Marta guest house in the Vatican where he lives

Pope Francis during a solitary mass today at the chapel of the Santa Marta guest house in the Vatican where he lives 

This graph published by the Gimbe foundation showed that the number of infected medical workers has risen sharply

This graph published by the Gimbe foundation showed that the number of infected medical workers has risen sharply 

Hospital workers prepare coffins at the Ponte San Pietro hospital in Bergamo on Tuesday, in the province of Lombardy which has been the worst-affected region of Italy

Hospital workers prepare coffins at the Ponte San Pietro hospital in Bergamo on Tuesday, in the province of Lombardy which has been the worst-affected region of Italy 

This graph shows the number of daily coronavirus cases in Italy, which jumped to a record 4,207 yesterday, squashing hopes that the lockdown was beginning to stall infections

This graph shows the number of daily coronavirus cases in Italy, which jumped to a record 4,207 yesterday, squashing hopes that the lockdown was beginning to stall infections 

This beach in Amalfi was empty despite the sunshine today with Italy remaining under an unprecedented national lockdown

This beach in Amalfi was empty despite the sunshine today with Italy remaining under an unprecedented national lockdown