How to balance parenting with working from home

As of next week, schools across the UK will be closed and parents will be faced with the challenging task of looking after children while continuing to work from home.

If the thought of having the little ones running around while you respond to emails and log onto conference calls makes you break out in a cold sweat then don’t worry, FEMAIL has spoken to British experts in parenting, remote working, health and fitness to reveal the steps every parent can take to make the situation less stressful. 

From establishing a ‘do not disturb’ zone to practising family meditation, most tips can be followed with one or two parents at home, although a couple work better with both parents, or a parent and a carer.  

As of next week, schools across the UK will be closed and parents will be faced with the challenging task of looking after children while continuing to work from home. Stock image

Wear them out in the morning

Hannah Martin, founder of Talented Ladies Club, said: ‘Buy yourself interruption-free work time by wearing your kids out in the morning. If you can safely take them outside – to the park, the countryside or your garden – for exercise and fresh air, do. 

‘If not get them doing some indoor exercises. You can then let them switch off in front of the TV/their screens for a while while you get some work done.’

Break the day into two distinct ‘chunks’

Caroline Strachan, founder of Women at Work, a Facebook group, said: ‘Create a rota that splits the day across two parents or helpers into two uninterrupted blocks e.g. early start to lunch and then post lunch to evening. 

Don’t lounge in your PJs

Personal trainer and fitness expert Badrul Islam, working with Feel Good Contacts, said: ‘Firstly, it is important to keep to your regular morning routine. You should get up, shower and have breakfast with your family at your usual time. Don’t be tempted to lounge around all day in your PJs, save that for the weekend.’

‘My husband and I for instance, I’ll work 6am to midday and he can take the 1pm to 7pm shift. If this isn’t possible break the day into 2 hour sections to help you focus and swap focus.’

Let the children know what to expect

Caroline said: ‘Plan the day so your children know what to expect. Kids respond well to the structure of school, that you can recreate together at home. Do this with your kids. School will likely provide you with a timetable, first task is to turn that into a poster they can stick up. 

‘We plan to keep play times too, morning and afternoon ideally outside and for lunch play we’re organising a zoom virtual play with their school friends.’

Experts advise working in a distinct 'do not disturb' zone, rather than on the sofa where you can be easily interrupted. Stock image

Experts advise working in a distinct ‘do not disturb’ zone, rather than on the sofa where you can be easily interrupted. Stock image

Create a ‘do not disturb’ zone

Caroline said: ‘Create a work area at home and ensure your children understand that’s a do not disturb zone (even if this needs to be your bedroom) In our house we have a sign on the door, “mummy is working” that gets put up during any important calls so they know then isn’t the time to practise their school concert. 

‘If you don’t have an office space, I urge you to create one, even if its with a camping table in the bedroom. Keep a separate space.’

Don’t set high standards for yourself

Be kind to yourself as a worker and as a mother, Caroline said.  

‘Don’t try to work at the same output rate. Most of your clients and colleagues are in the same situation and will understand. A dog barking during a conference call, a child walking in on a video call that’s all OK, I bet your colleagues/clients will enjoy a wave to your kids. Look at your priorities and focus on what matters most, if you need help don’t be afraid to ask.’

She continued: ‘Adopt a “whatever it takes” approach. Now’s not the time to be holding yourself to the highest of no-screen time parenting standards! There will good days and terrible, sell the kids on ebay days. You’ve got this.’

Don’t have lunch in front of the TV

Badrul said: ‘During your longer lunch break, try to avoid sitting down on the sofa and watching TV with the children. Instead, get the children to do some household chores to keep active. Or you could so some exercises together. 

‘Put the music on and grab a can of baked beans for some light weight exercises. To increase the heart rate, get the children to run up and down the stairs. Remember not to hold your breath when you’re exercising and keep a bottle of water handy.’

Invent ‘peace and quiet’ competitions

Hannah said: ‘Need an hour or so of peace and quiet to work? Set bedroom-based competitions for your children. 

‘For example, you could promise a highly desirable prize in return for the tidiest bedroom. Or, for a more fun competition, who can make the best fort, build the best Lego building or vehicle, or draw the best picture.’

Practise family meditation

Angela Spencer, an award-winning parenting author, said: ‘I also think it’s a great opportunity for the whole family to take up mindfulness or meditation as relationships are going to be tested and being able to remain calm is going to be a welcome string to every parents bow.’